Sandwiches: Clean Break Member Review — Clean Break



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a still from Sandwiches. A woman sits on the ground on a street, she appears to be homeless

Sandwiches: Clean Break Member Review

Member Su shares her thoughts on the film Sandwiches

As part of Clean Break's Film Festival 2024, we invited our Members to write about the films in our programme. A group of Members generously put themselves forward for the task, and have shared honest, heartfelt and insightful interpretations and reviews of the films.

Read what Su has to say about the film Sandwiches, from Cardboard Citizens More Than one Story series:

I want to thank everyone involved in making this short film. It takes a great deal of courage and work to bring such subjects to the attention of all. I loved everything about it the script, the filming, the casting and the acting, all the hard work involved by everyone.

I found the subject matter triggering, but not in the usual way. Since viewing it twice, I have not been able to shut up writing about the Bigger Picture of Homelessness. Very inspiring.

I think the staging was very apt, because between the lines, it is about all the narrow, little boxes - both inside ourselves and the outside environments, that we construct everywhere to keep us safe. I wonder about that a lot.

Populations are exploding so that there is less and less space to build, yet the spaces between us all seem greater than ever, and no-one ever seems to have the time to have conversations about all of this.

People who experience homelessness (represented by our amazing actor Oriana in this film) can spend their lives on cold, hard concrete, and what an apt metaphor that is, for our times.

We trick ourselves into believing we are doing good in handing out a sandwich or two, but the distance between us could not be greater when it's handed to you at arm's length by strangers - who can't seem to imagine anything further.

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