Cast members of The Trials and Passions of Unfamous Women share their experiences of being a Clean Break Member artist
Women attend our Members Programme, which is our theatre programme for women with lived experience of the criminal justice system or who are at risk, for lots of reasons. Some people attend to build community and find routine, and some women wish to pursue careers in the arts. For those who wish to work professionally in theatre after completing the programme, some will become Clean Break 'Member artists', and continue to work with us.
So, what does it mean to be a Member artist? There's no one-size-fits-all definition, because every woman who walks though Clean Break’s doors is unique, as is her journey to arrive here. There are however some expectations and requirements which everyone who makes the step from Clean Break Member to Member artist meets.
All Member artists...
Once enrolled, Member artists will be on Clean Break’s books for freelance creative work, and will be contacted when suitable opportunities arise.
Watch the video below to hear from three active Clean Break Member artists who are professional actors working in the theatre industry, as they share some of the exciting experiences they have had on stage.